Graffiti workshop
mai 12, 2023
‘Sculpt & Gulp’ workshop with Placcyheadface (EN)
mai 12, 2023
Graffiti workshop
mai 12, 2023
‘Sculpt & Gulp’ workshop with Placcyheadface (EN)
mai 12, 2023Kunst i mellomrom seminar
Dato: Fre 23 Juni
Tidspunkt: 0900-1400
Sted: Domus Bibliotheca, Karl Johans gt. 47, 0162 Oslo
RSVP: her
Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle. Vi setter likevel pris på om du melder deg på her, så vi får en oversikt over hvor mange som kommer.
Seminar og workshop om ikke-institusjonelle tilnærminger til kunst i det offentlige rom.
Seminaret holdes på engelsk. Det blir enkel servering underveis.
0830-0900 Registration and coffee
0900-0905 Welcome
0905-0910 Opening words from Omar Samy Gamal (Byråd for kultur, idrett og frivillighet)
0915-0945 Emma Arnold: ‘Changing approaches to graffiti and street art in Oslo, and why it matters’
Emma Arnold (PhD) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and leader of the creative laboratory LAX LAB at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. Using creative methods, Emma has over ten years of experience researching the arts of urban transformation. She has studied zero tolerance policy against graffiti and the new Street Art Action Plan in Oslo, the problematics of outdoor advertising, and the artful civil disobedience of urban climate activism.
0945-1015 James Finucane: ‘“Do you have permission to do that?” An introduction to street art & graffiti working practices’
James Finucane is a writer, curator, producer, gallerist and artist specializing in street, graffiti and outsider art. He is the founder and creative director of Street Art Oslo and Løkka-Lykke gatekunstfest, and co-founder of Subvertising Norway, a non-profit collective of artists, activists and designers dedicated to questioning who has the power and authority to communicate messages and create meaning in public space.
1015-1030 Coffee
1030-1100 Laima Nomeikaite: ‘Street art as heritage – legal and illegal paradoxes’
Laima Nomeikaite is a human geographer and currently PhD candidate in cultural studies at Roskilde University in Denmark and University of South-Eastern Norway. Her research interests center on the interplay between arts, street art, heritage, city and space/place. In recent years she has worked on a variety of projects related to culture, heritage research and urban planning. Together with her friends she has led the festival ‘Matgilde mot Hungersnød’ (Feast against Famine) for several years in Bergen. Nomeikaite engages actively in political art and city debates through artistic, popular and scientific expressions.
1100-1200 Lunch
1200-1300 Workshop on how to creatively change the city
Participants will work together to plan a street art project with the guidance of experts from Oslo’s street art and graffiti environment. Workshop groups will be led by Emma Arnold, Hanne Ugelstad, Laima Nomeikaite, and James Finucane.
Hanne Ugelstad is a social pedagogue, educator and writer specialized in working with marginalized youth groups and urban subcultures. She works with art, project management and communication as daily manager for Street Art Oslo, and festival manager for Løkka-Lykke gatekunstfest.
1300-1400 Reflections on workshop and conclusions
Om arrangørene
Seminaret er et samarbeid mellom Street Art Oslo og LAX LAB. Street Art Oslo drives av direktør James Joseph Finucane og daglig leder Hanne Ugelstad. LAX LAB ledes av Dr. Emma Arnold ved Institutt for sosiologi og kulturgeografi ved Universitetet i Oslo. LAX LAB er en del av prosjektet AdaptationCONNECTS som undersøker klimatilpasning gjennom transformasjon, finansiert av Norges forskningsråd.
Praktisk informasjon:
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