‘Creating a Community of Care’ workshop with Jad El Khoury and Sofienbergprosjektet
November 26, 2023
Xenz mural unveiling, artist talk and pop-up exhibition
November 27, 2023
‘Creating a Community of Care’ workshop with Jad El Khoury and Sofienbergprosjektet
November 26, 2023
Xenz mural unveiling, artist talk and pop-up exhibition
November 27, 2023Dog Days 4.0 - Remio
Opening: Thu 12 September, 1800-2100
On view: Fri 13 - Sun 15 Sep, 1100-1700
Place: Gamle Munchmuseet, Tøyengata 53, 0563 Oslo
RSVP: here
Born in Norway, raised in Canada and the USA, and currently living in Paris, France – Remio is a famous graffiti artist whose work can be seen all over the world.
He was long known as one of the most prolific bombers* before developing his artistic practice under the mentorship of Twist and Os Gemeos. Now his signature anthropomorphic, angular, character-driven style can be found both on the streets and in art galleries in San Francisco, Paris, Venice and Tokyo.
As part of the exhibition series Dog Days 4.0 for Oslo Street Art Festival, he is exhibiting his works for the first time in his homeland Norway. The title Touchstone refers to the artist's relationship with Norway as a part of him, the feeling of coming home and how working with the exhibition enables him to be in touch with this part of himself.
The exhibition includes original paintings, sculptures, jewelery art and a limited edition zine and T-shirts.
Dog Days (est. 2021) is an annual series of exhibitions presenting artists and projects that reflect the wider spectrum of graffiti, street and outsider art. Featuring original drawings, painting, sculpture, performance, installations, wearables, limited-edition print and zine releases, and more, Dog Days aims to connect the 'street' and the 'gallery' by showcasing artist's studio-based practice in relation to their work in public spaces.
*designation for someone who paints tags